Become a DESIGNER! This is the dream of many young people who are creative at heart and/or who love cars, art, sculpture or more simply, who love this unknown, but so flamboyant profession!

Coming straight to a design school may seem like a leap into the unknown. But what if you were to immerse yourself in the world of automotive design with a dynamic and exciting didactic seminar, which can be organised over 1, 2 or 3 days? Or what if you wanted to know your level of design, and learn the basics from an expert, with a seminar spread over three full days? Philip Nemeth offers these courses in a splendid location: an old paper mill on the banks of the Eure, closed in 1968 and renovated in 1990. It is located 80 km west of Paris. The castle of Anet, built in the 16th century, is nearby, and was the setting for the third James Bond film!

The idea of these training courses is to move from theory to practice thanks to premises of more than 400 m2 divided into two sets: on the first floor, the reception and the workroom below, very bright, to listen to the chef. And keep your ears wide open, because the man is capable of making you live the history of car styling without even catching his breath!

Philip Nemeth’s passion is communicative because he is very didactic. It should be remembered that he was for a long time in charge of training at Strate after having taken over from the great Michel Harmand at this school. The list of student designers he has met is long, from Sébastien Criquet to Laurent Négroni, including Sandeep Bhambra and Julien Famchon…

On the ground floor, a magical “garage” where more than a dozen vintage cars from all eras allow you to understand in concrete terms what you have learned in front of the screen, one floor above.

I plunged with delight into the “discovery, fundamentals” training day. The ten or so ‘students’ present that day represented a wide range of backgrounds: young entrepreneurs, a lawyer, a student from the Créapole school, a well-known designer and a journalist. This is the interest of this “Design seminar” day, it is open to all, without pre-requisites, from the age of 16 and it deals with the fundamentals of design, the stylistic traits explained, and the evolution of the automobile.

One feels at ease, because the participants do not feel any pressure. They are there to discover, to learn, all in a good mood and always with the passion of the master of the place who also puts his cooking talents at the service of the participants for the mid-day break! This training course is based on a theoretical part on the fundamentals of car design and two more concrete parts, around cars, with in particular the evolution of the car over the decades by taking as an example the life of the Mercedes S Class, of which practically each generation is represented in this magic place.

It is an opportunity to discover vehicles as different as the BMW Z4 coupe or the Renault Avantime (above) with a rather particular example, as it is a pre-series. Philip Nemeth tells the story of the styling of these models (among others…) but he also brings a whole series of revelations that plunge his audience into the world of the little history of car design. Fascinating.

Obviously, the programme is extensive for a single day, but it allows participants to be immersed in the world of automotive design in a very educational and accessible way. You can also choose the course with one or two additional days where the basics of drawing (day 2) and the fundamentals of model making (day 3) are added. Discover the programme, the available dates and the prices below by clicking on the “download” button.

At the end of our one-day course, Philip Nemeth outlines another one, the one that allows you to acquire the basics of hand-drawing, to master perspectives or colouring (there is a lot of talk about “reflections” in Philip Nemteh Consuting’s courses!) This “WORKSHOP DRAWING” course runs over three days and the next two sessions are on the dates of 25-26-27 August and 27-28-29 October 2021. For all prices, conditions and registration information, please see the PDF above.